College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences

Leak’s New Book Shines “a Piercing Light” on Mysterious Dumas
Jeffrey B. Leak’s newly published book, Visible Man: The Life of Henry Dumas, has won praise from a noted national writer for “shining a piercing light” on the elusive Dumas, who has remained a mystery even to fans of his work.

Psychology’s Buch Receives 2014 UNC Board of Governors Teaching Award
Kimberly Buch from the Department of Psychology in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences is among the 17 recipients of the UNC Board of Governors Award for Teaching Excellence.

History’s Goldfield Presents in Black History Month Events in Brussels
The U.S Embassy to Belgium and the U.S Mission to the European Union celebrated Black History Month in Brussels by hosting a lively panel discussion including panelist David Goldfield, the Robert Lee Bailey Professor of History at UNC Charlotte. Joining him on the panel were Prof. Maboula Soumahoro of the University of Tours (France), and […]

Charlotte Teachers Institute Names Leaders; College Faculty to Guide Seminars
Eight UNC Charlotte and Davidson College faculty – including four from CLAS – will guide Charlotte Teachers Institute’s 2014 seminar season. Fifty-four Charlotte-Mecklenburg teachers also serve as leaders for CTI, adding to the inclusive and creative focus that distinguishes the unique professional development initiative.

Student Team Vies for $1 Million in Social Venture Funding
A UNC Charlotte graduate student team has moved one step closer to a $1 million prize in funding to launch a sustainable social venture, in the world’s largest student competition and start-up platform for social good. The Hult Prize Foundation recently announced that the UNC Charlotte team had advanced to the regional finals of the fifth annual Hult Prize.

Kilmer Receives Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award
In recognition of his deep commitment to mentoring graduate students, Ryan Kilmer, professor of psychology, has received the 2014 Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award. Colleagues, university officials, community members and students gathered in his honor on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at the Harris Alumni Center at Johnson Glen.

Researchers Create Database to Examine Health Legacy Foundations’ Resources
Local communities can expect the number and asset size of philanthropic foundations to increase, due to the rise in health care consolidations driven by health care reform. In the past, assets of this kind may have been underused or even undocumented. A new database created by UNC Charlotte researchers can help bridge this gap.

Brannon Receives Award for Article on Writing
Lil Brannon, a UNC Charlotte English professor, has received the 2014 Richard Braddock Award for the most outstanding article on writing or the teaching of writing published in a journal widely regarded as the top journal in rhetoric and composition.

Cook Receives Award for Linking Community Service to the Classroom
UNC Charlotte Psychology Professor James R. (Jim) Cook has received a top statewide honor for linking community service to classroom study and reflection from the North Carolina Campus Compact, a coalition of 38 colleges and universities.

Tullis Works to Change Attitudes, Conversations About Death
Death is the end of life – often a difficult topic to discuss. UNC Charlotte Professor Jillian Tullis is working to change that. Tullis uses her personal experiences, combined with the experiences and knowledge she has gained working with hospices and cancer centers, to improve the ways people view and communicate about death. “Attitudes about […]